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We believe the Lord is calling us to be intentionally praying for Tasmania right now. This was also confirmed by a word from Katherine Ruonala (@ GCC 16th Oct 2022, video below).


Katherine Ruonala talked about the wave of revival we are currently in and highlighted the call to prayer in this season. In conversation with Katherine, she revealed this was a strong word for Tasmania and that the ‘whirlwinds from the south’, were coming from Tasmania!


Prayer precedes revival and we believe it is a key time for us as a state to be praying for God's plans and purposes to come to pass in Tasmania. There have been many words about a move of God starting in Tasmania and that we are an ignition point for Australia and the nations. Jean-Luc Trachsel released a word (in 2020) that he believes what the Lord has planned ‘will be like the Azusa st and Welsh revivals’ that a ‘tsunami (in the Spirit) will hit Tasmania and then touch the neighbouring countries’.


Lord, we pray for your will to be done in Tasmania!!!!





As well as people individually praying, there will also be some Prayer Hubs where people can gather together to pray. These will be hosted and run by different churches/ministries in Tasmania (more information/announcements to come).


If your local Church/ministry is interested in being listed as a Prayer Hub, either inbox Ablaze Facebook page or email Bethany at





- That God will have his way, for His will to be done in Tasmania (and your town/city, region)

- For prepared hearts

- That many will have Life-changing encounters with the Lord

- For Christians to be stepping into the fullness of their callings

- Salvations

- Unity

- Churches & Leaders

- Healing, miracles, signs & wonders



Please share and get word around!​

Katherine Ruonala at Glory City Church, 16th October 2022 (Full Service)
Prophetic word for Australia begins at 1 hour 34 min
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